Society for eradication of living fragmentation, Holistic-Healing and Livelihoods for Poor


Self-Help is a non-political, secular, non-proprietary and non-profit-making, voluntary, non-governmental organization formed for the eradication of living fragmentation, holistic-healing and enhancement of livelihoods for poor.


Objectives Related to Eradication of Living Fragmentation

  1. To organize discussion, lectures, conventions, conferences, exhibitions, competitions, film shows and other relevant activities for stopping the fragmentation of human beings on the basis of caste, creed, state, language, religion etc. ;

Objectives Related to Self-Help and Livelihood Promotion

  1. To assist technically and financially, the disadvantaged people (such as women, Scheduled caste/Schedule tribes, backward class , victims of natural calamities, handicapped) to form and support SHGs, Cooperatives and other type of  People’s organisations ;
  2. To provide technical support & consultancy to the Government organisations, NGOs/VOs, Cooperatives and all other organisations which are working for the development and promotion of Self-Help Groups , Cooperatives and other types of people’s organisations;
  3. To set up, establish, own, promote, run and manage wholesale/ retail micro-finance institutions or provide financial services to its clients by networking with variety of financial and promotional institutions such as banks, NBFCs, Cooperatives, support groups & Individuals ;
  4. To network with different types of self-help promotion institutions in order to develop common understanding, standardize the systems and procedures, upgrade the capacities of human resource involved and disseminate the innovations;
  5. To work for promotion of livelihoods for the poor by undertaking research and surveys, facilitating in providing financial and non–financial support ( technology, marketing of products, human resource development, management consultancy etc.) and in enhancing the capacities of poor to fight for their rights and benefits;
  6. To formulate, undertake and support, own and others livelihood and income promotional projects for poor, based on traditional sectors such as – agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, handicrafts etc. in rural areas at its own level as well as by taking support from various national and international organisations/Associations /Individuals;
  7. To set up and run resource centres in urban and rural areas on rural development, Micro-finance, Gender, Women Empowerment and other such related areas so as to facilitate and enhance the accessibility of information to the rural and urban poor , promoters and practitioners in the said areas;
  8. To network with the organisations like National Innovation Foundation and other such similar bodies involved in recording innovations  for  the betterment of  poor and under privileged people and disseminating the same  using different media ;
  9. To promote organisation of marketing chains both domestic and export marketing for farm as well as non-farm products of poor and marginalised.

Objectives related to Holistic Healing (Empowerment) of Poor

  1. To work for promotion of alternative medicinal/health care systems by taking research/surveys, publicizing different types of healing methods and providing health care to poor directly by establishing small centres for alternative Health Care and indirectly by using networks;
  2. To function as a catalyst in providing low cost shelter, potable water and conducive living environment to the poor by networking with relevant institutions;
  3. To take care of poor senior citizens in providing old age home and recreational centers at one end and utilizing their strength in providing multifaceted support to poor;
  4. To set up, establish, own, promote, run and manage formal and non-formal educational, training and research institutions related to holistic healing of poor such as schools, colleges, centers, institutes, academies and research centers etc. in different parts of the country;
  5. To arrange, organize, promote and conduct group discussions, lectures, lecture-demonstrations, seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, fairs, festivals and festivities etc. for the holistic development of poor by networking with variety of Governmental and Non- governmental Organizations;
  6. To assist and promote programmes aimed at conservation of the environment and natural resources; and
  7. To work for the eradication of the illiteracy by undertaking innovative schemes for education such as establishment of evening schools, adult education centres, education through Mobile multi-media units/visual aids etc.;
  8. To formulate and undertake programmes in order to reduce the gaps between rural, peri-urban and urban areas by gainfully harvesting resources for mutual benefits and growth.
  9. To undertake research and consulting projects for various national and international orgnisations on issues/sectors related to Holistic-Healing including enhancement of Livelihoods of poor;
  10. To arrange for the production and publication of literatures, audio-visuals, documentary films and other audio-visuals on rural development, women empowerment and issues related to holistic healing of poor.